Hangzhou Hotec Cleaning Technology Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Hotec Cleaning Technology Co., Ltd.

How to Choose the Best Gym Hand Dryers?

Posted on May 08 , 2023 by HOTEC
How to Choose the Best Gym Hand Dryers?

As a gym owner, providing your clients with a clean and hygienic environment is a top priority. Choosing the right hand dryers for your gym is an important decision that can impact your clients' experience. In this article, we'll discuss how to choose the best gym hand dryers for your facility.

Factors to consider when choosing a gym hand dryer

Speed: One of the most important factors to consider is the speed of the hand dryer. Clients don't want to spend too much time drying their hands, so choosing a hand dryer with a quick drying time is important. Look for hand dryers that can dry hands in under 15 seconds.

Noise level: Another important factor to consider is the noise level of the hand dryer. Loud hand dryers can be disruptive to clients and can make it difficult for them to hear music or instructions during their workout. Look for hand dryers with noise levels below 85 decibels.

Hygiene: Hygiene is always a concern in gyms. Look for hand dryers that have touchless sensors, so clients don't have to touch the dryer with their hands. This can help to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria.

Durability: Gym hand dryers will be used frequently and will need to withstand heavy usage. Look for hand dryers that are made from durable materials and are designed to withstand frequent use.

Energy efficiency: Energy efficiency is an important consideration for gym owners who want to keep their operating costs down. Look for hand dryers that are energy efficient and have low operating costs.

Types of gym hand dryer

There are several types of hand dryers to choose from when outfitting your gym. These include:

Jet air dryers: Jet air dryers use high-speed air to dry hands quickly. They are very efficient and can dry hands in as little as 10 seconds. However, they can be loud and can spread bacteria and germs if they are not cleaned properly.

Traditional hand dryers: Traditional hand dryers use heated air to dry hands. They are typically slower than jet air dryers, but they are quieter and can be more hygienic if they have touchless sensors.

Dual-flow hand dryers: Dual-flow hand dryers use a combination of heated air and high-speed air to dry hands quickly. They are quieter than jet air dryers and can be more hygienic if they have touchless sensors.

Paper towel dispensers: Paper towel dispensers are a popular option in gyms because they are very hygienic and can be recycled. They are also quiet and do not spread bacteria and germs like hand dryers can. However, they do require regular restocking, which can be time-consuming.

Choosing the best gym hand dryers is an important decision for gym owners. When choosing hand dryers, consider factors such as speed, noise level, hygiene, durability, and energy efficiency. There are several types of hand dryers to choose from, including jet air dryers, traditional hand dryers, dual-flow hand dryers, and paper towel dispensers. Each type has its pros and cons, so it's important to choose the one that best meets the needs of your clients and your gym. By choosing the right hand dryers, you can help to create a clean, hygienic, and efficient gym environment that your clients will appreciate.